Kelly starts clean-up, “lays down law” to patrolmen
Mayor Howard E. Kelly shook hands with city patrolmen and detectives Wednesday afternoon at police headquarters and then “laid down the law.”
Straight from the shoulder, plain and forceful was the “he-man” message of the new mayor.
Clearly and without excitement Mayor Kelly told bluecoats what he expects of them. He delivered the message with much emphasis and without a “sugar coating.”
At the end of the five minute talk patrolmen went out to their districts realizing they “must produce” or see employment among other lines.
Highlights of the mayor’s talk were
General cleaning up of the city.
Ousting of gamblers, closing of gambling resorts.
Elimination of card games and crap games.
Arrest all violators of law.
Closing up of the “Jungles.”
Lack of discrimination in making arrests.
Apprehension of all law violators without favorites.
When bluecoats and plainclothes men lined up in response to the mayor’s call the chief executive shook hands with each patrolman. Then Mayor Kelly mounted the municipal court bench and began his talk.
“Fellows, I called you together this afternoon for two reasons. First I wanted to meet all of you and secondly because there are some things which you need to know.
“During my campaign I promised to clean up the city. I meant that promise and am going to fulfill it.
“When I was a private citizen I heard things said about the police department and the officers of the police department. It was because of the laxity that existed in it. It is up to you officers to command the respect of the public and you can only command this respect when you do that which is right when you enforce all laws.
“When I see you on the street, I expect you to salute and I assure you that I will return the courtesy.
“I am going to be as good to you patrolmen as anyone. I will back you men with all the authority of my office. But there is no use in your kidding me or trying to kid me. I know what is going on in the city and I repeat there will be no use in kidding me.
“I want you fellows, tonight, to go into all the gambling dens, so-called soft drink parlors and clear out gambling devices. I also want you to stop all card games and crap games.
“Today already I received four reports on one crap game. I want this crap game pinched.
“In your crusade against law violators, I repeat that I will give you my backing to the fullest extent.
“Not one of you officers is going to be fired or suspended without first coming before me. If you are proven guilty of charges, there will be no place on the force for you. If you are proven innocent there will be no fear of you not receiving justice.
“I want you fellows to know what I’m up against. And it will depend greatly upon you whether or not I carry out my pledges to clean the city. And the city will be cleaned. If not by you men, it will be cleaned by others.
“The past administration fixed a budget of $14,000 [?] for the safety department.Sinking fund charges are so great that I will receive only $118,500 to operate the safety department.
“I don’t want to commercialize vice, but I want the guilty apprehended and arraigned in court. And I want them to pay fines.
“I will look with disfavor upon anything you can get which you let slip by you.
“Look at Monroe and Seven Mile. They have reaped a financial harvest off of the law violators--the liquor law violators of Hamilton.
“I want you fellows to look into this liquor game and clean it up right.
“If you don’t know where they’re selling it find out and make arrests. It’s being sold here.
“I have no favorites nor have I any friends among such a class of citizenry.
“I want you fellows to clean up “the jungles”. I don’t want you to go out and tell the violators to get under cover. I want you to arrest the violators and bring them to police headquarters. I want every law violator cleared out.”
“Don’t worry about who you get. You know your duties. Don’t play favorites.
“We need $180,000 at least for the safety department. It’s up to you men to help me get it. Again. I want to stress that I do not want to commercialize vice but I want the law violators to pay so that there will no longer be wholesale law violation here.
“I am going to be here two years. I hope you fellows will also be here two years but you will not be here unless you do your duty--and you know what your duty is. I’m with you to the limit when you perform your duty. When you fail, I’m against you.
“I want you to have the respect of all citizens and I want you to respect citizens. Always be courteous to the public.
“What you me do in the first 309 days will be a keynote to what is going to happen. I want law violators brought in. Go out and do your duty.
“I have every faith you are going to do what’s right and I’m going to help you and back you up to the limit.
“I’m going to back you men up for bringing in law violators. I’m not going to censure you for it. I have no friends in the class of law violators.
“I’m glad to have met you all. I hope you understand what I say and mean. Upon your actions and your record depends what will happen by February 1.
“I have to live on the appropriations made last August. The law prevents me from issuing deficiency bonds.
“I want you men to feel free to come into my office at any time with any suggestions about anything. I want my office to be a clearing house for your troubles. Fellows, we’ll go in a mass to get law violators if necessary.
“Again, I say I’m glad to have met you all and hope you will be with me here on February 1 and for the next two years. But do your duty and start doing it now.”
Officers heard the talk without comment and silently went out on their “beats.”
Report from the Hamilton Evening Journal
January 3, 1924